How can I release my music

If you are new here check this forum first, your question may have been answered.


I have used DistroKid for years. Not expensive and easy to do. Other services do the same thing, it wouldn't hurt to look around for what fits you. Once your music is being published to a variety of platforms, then you should focus on promoting your music (without a doubt the most challenging part).


I second the SoundCloud option to start gathering a following and try to get on some larger playlists. Trance is going to be a tough genre to stand out, but not impossible if you have something different to offer. There are SO many "artists" out there holding their finger down on one key (courtesy of all the VSTs that do everything for you) and posting it as original content. As most established artists would probably say, offer something new & different, collaborate with as many like-minded musicians as you can, get your music out to as many ears as you can, never give up, but most importantly, make the music you want to hear first. Just two cents from a fellow artist nobody knows!
SoundCloud: dagtastik
YouTube: @dagtastik

Mac Mini, Mac Studio Max, Reason Studios 12 and WAY too many VSTs


Cakewalk claims they will be your distributer as part of thier software subscription at $150 a year. I would have no idea about how to go to a major label. Back in the day when I would get a free pack of 100 cds or whatever I would just mail them random places when I released a track. From what I understand you can pay influencers to help promote your track so that may be a better way then cross marketing with software from what I understand.


This video from Mike Enjo, Creative Sauce, is very good in explaining how to release a song by DistroKid.

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